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May 26, 2016


May 26, 2016

Dr. Antonio Bertoletti presents Lion TCR T-cell therapy at the International Society for Cellular Therapy Conference 2016

Dr. Antonio Bertoletti, was invited to speak at International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) Conference 2016 hosted in Singapore on 26th May 2016. The title of his presentation was ‘Immunotherapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using T Cells Redirected Against Hepatitis B Virus’. Dr. Bertoletti presented that HBV antigens can act as tumor-specific antigens in HBV-related HCC, and that our engineered TCR-T cells could recognize and lyse such tumor cells. He further presented our latest clinical results in treating liver transplant patients with chemotherapy-resistant HCC metastases.


ISCT Annual Meeting 2016.

ISCT Annual Meeting 2016.

ISCT Annual Meeting 2016.
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