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February 14, 2020


February 14, 2020

Companion diagnostic assay for personalised immunotherapy for HBV-related liver cancer featured in A*STAR GIS website

SINGAPORE – February 14, 2020 – Lion TCR was featured in the Agency for Science, Technology and Research Genome Institute ofSingapore (A*STAR GIS) website, article titled: “Companion Diagnostic Assay for Effective Immunotherapy in Liver Cancer Patients”.


Read more in the link here: https://www.a-star.edu.sg/docs/librariesprovider11/gis-publicity/t2/20200214_say-li_gis-lion_tcr_sl.pdf

About Lion TCR
Lion TCR is a Singapore based clinical-stage biotechnology company, focused on the development of T cell receptor (TCR)-T cell therapy against life-threatening viral infections and viral-related cancers pertinent in Asia.